Saturday 15 August 2015

The Mystery of Human Life - Book Review

(The Mystery of Human Life)

Experience of Yogi: The Revelation of the mystery and meaning of life and the goals, the way to attain them are disclosed in our religious scriptures.  The ordinary man learns it from them to the god men, the yogis, who through their penance attain a higher level of consciousness in which the great truths are revealed to them directly by the divine as to the ancient Rishis in the Vedic ages.  The several states of consciousness referred to, are the supra mental level (Sri Aurobindo of Pondicherry).  Thuriya State (The Fourth dimension) Upanishads Brahma sthiti (Gita) etc.  Yogi Amarakavi Ramachandra, anchored in the Brahma Nishta, records his unique experiences in this volume.  The presentation is lucid and in simple English.  The author is not a Sanyasin, but as a Grahastha (house hold) who achieved through Mantra Shakthi the Supreme state of consciousness in which truths were revealed to him.  The Sadhana he employs is a combination of the yoga, the Tantra and the Sri Vidya forms of Upasana.  The experience and the teaching embodied in the volume have for their source the Upanishads.  The author calls this method Sahaja Nishta Yoga.        P. N.R.  THE MAIL, Oct, Saturday 1979

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