Monday 24 August 2015

Secret Doctrine - A Word by M P Pandit Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry

PONDICHERRY 605002 PH. 50671


It is indeed presumptuous for any one to attempt an assessment of a work like Sri Amarkavi Ramachandra Rao’s The Human Evolution in the Physical (THE SECRET DOCTRINE).  His experience goes beyond formula­tion in words; his vision extends beyond the cosmos as has been commonly understood.  Men understand with their minds what little they can catch hold of with their thought‑instrumentation. For true knowledge, for full knowledge, says the author, you have to go beyond the mind.  For the highest knowledge is the knowledge by identity.  And this identity is not merely with what is transcendent but equally with what is tangible here on earth.

Amarakavi bridges in himself the gap between Science and Spirituality, the Seers of the Upanishad and the rational thinkers of the twentieth century.  Heaven and Earth, he points out, are to be fused in the conscious of man. And towards that purpose Nature has provided the linkage of Prana, life‑force, in whose manipulation lies the key to change of consciousness.  If you go deep enough in the Physical you emerge into the pure air‑spaces of the Spirit. Behind the surfaces of life there are steps that lead from the Jagrat to the Thuriya.   The Physical holds the secret of the manifestation of Satchidananda in its deepest layers.

Mystics are wary of exposing their secrets to the profane; Amarakavi is one of the exceptions.  Of course he caskets his discoveries in an uncommon language, daring the inquisitive reader to decipher the figures that ensoul his perceptions and encounters.  One must read and reread this treatise before one is able to enter into the experience of the Omnipresent that underlies such an inspiring vision.

            M. P. PANDIT

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