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Amarakavi Siddeswara 1906 - 1993 |
Benefits to the aspirants in the field of:
I. Hindu Mysticism
1. Ashtanga yoga:
Aspirants engaged in this type of yogic practice can understand that Patanjali’s Ashtanga yoga can give, may be, good health and youthfulness etc required for earthly life and this type of yoga, Amarakavi says is neither suited to this modern age nor useful for self realization. Amarakavi is also emphatic that Prathyahara, the 5th stage of Ashtanga yoga is the maximum that one can touch in his spiritual march. The top 3 stages are no more than improved versions of Prathyahara and become possible to experience under the extreme grace of divine and exclusive with Siddhas and great seers of divine component.
2. Sri Vidya Upasana marga aspirants engaged in this art of worship and meditation can very well understand the intricacies of ancient yogic culture practiced and lived into by mighty 18 Siddhas and Vedic seers. By reading Amarakavi’s works of divine revelations the missing links in the art of Sri Vidya of today and the role of mantras and its liaison with united force of thought, speech and breathing as a integral whole can be understood. In short the difference between the methodologies of spiritual path of ancient culture and the present day in Sri Vidya can be understood. Moreover the superiority of ancient Sri Vidya yoga marga over the Ashtanga yoga practice also can be understood for better entry into the cosmic truths of eternal value. In a word Amarakavi’s works is boon to humanity as whole to march ahead safely and fearlessly towards self realization.
3. Adviata practice: The followers of Advaitic practice will get convinced and enlightened by Amarakavi’s works which are God sent serving as a common platform where one can understand the equality and the common axis around which the great 3 schools of thought are revolving. His explanations prove that all these three different concept will lose ground as his works make the aspirants approach life from a totally different angle called universal self or Antheryami in essence to the core.
4. Siddha yoga: There is a common belief the term Siddha means a super man capable of doing miracles only and that the torch bearers are mutt heads, present or past, are more evolved and spiritually equipped than the mighty 18 Siddhas. Amarakavi’s writings disprove this wrong notion and reveal the cosmic secrets and spiritual practice of integral yoga underlying their self consummation with the divine. In other words, whereas Vedas and Upanishads are silent over the cosmic truths behind the modus operandi of human faculties and the way of their integral role in the process of spiritual practice, Amarakavi’s writings reveal the cosmic truths and the complete gamut of human evolution in the physical as practiced and lived into maharishies of yore but gone unnoticed and not known to the saints of today’s order.
5. Common Man: A common man interested in understanding or practice of true spiritual path to God realization is no doubt at loss as to how to start or what to read or whom to contact or how to understand the purport of Hindu mysticism through existing Vedic and Upanishads text full of cobwebs and conundrums over the spectrum of its writings. The present texts on this subject do not define much less underlying the cosmic truths necessary for real understanding of true spiritual practice and mysticism that way, Amarakavi’s works expose every segment of Hindu mysticism and path to God realization witnessed by the great seers of our history. Moreover Amarakavi’s writings are true revelations dictated by Lord Mula Ganapathy and prove to be comprehensive so as to equip the readers with enlightened thoughts of cosmic truths about the entire spectrum of Vedic and Upanishads teachings in the context of Hindu mysticism in that it supplements the existing philosophical and spiritual knowledge of the world with the missing links lost sight of down the middle ages. Hence his works purport to restore the complete knowledge of mystic significance to its correct place and function so as to mould the humanity as whole towards perfection in the upcoming Kritha Yuga.
II. Benefits of reading Amarakavi’s work to aspirants engaged in the field of:
A) Medicine:
Amarakavi’s writings reveal the secrets of cosmic truths behind human evolution in the physical. He has explained various cosmic truths about human faculties much useful to medicos engaged in different branches of medicines outlined as follows:
His writings contain many medical tips of spiritual value underlying the functional aspects of human heart, brain, skin, senses and faculties like Thought, Speech, Consciousness, Breathing system and many more. Thus the medicos will find his works to be useful and get a clear picture of the modus operandi of human physique and faculties in the context of human evolution and higher mental and spiritual planes connected with God realization as experienced by the great seers of yore.
Space Research:
Amarakavi’s writings reveal the cosmos in general and cosmic truths behind the net work of the nine planets of the solar system and the zodiacal signs including the secrets of Ether in the context of man’s existence, terrestrial and otherwise. It is the first of its kind in the history of mankind in that his deity at worship Lord Mula Ganapathy enriched him with enormous revelations of cosmic truths over the entire segments of spiritual world as well as scientific lore much interesting to amateurs and adepts engaged in the space research over the globe.
B) Anthropology:
Amarakavi’s revelations have given a new direction to the science of Anthropology by overthrowing the existing facts human evolution according to science and by opening new theories over the segments of cosmic evolution in general based upon faculties and breathing standards as indices of evolutionary process not known to science so far.
C) Musicology:
Amarakavi reveals plenty of details of cosmic truths behind the roles of the 7 musical notes not only as components of the great Pranava the OM but also as the signals and sign posts on the high way of spiritual march experienced by the ancient seers. He reveals for the first time in the history of man the vibration of the 7 musical notes operating sumoto during the passage of human progress towards God realization at the higher altitudes of total inwardness and withdrawal from the egress entity of human presence under the compulsions of nature. It is surprising according to Amarakavi that Vedic and Upanishads lore of today are silent over this area of cosmic truths because these are missing links in the Vedic text of today but now revealed to Amarakavi in Brahma Nishta.
D) Torch bearer or Mutt heads:
God inspired the great Veda Vyasa with broken revelations which reached the humanity in the form of Vedas, Upanishads and the great Bhagavat Gita. These holy texts describe nature, creation and origin of universe and its functional major elements with no precise details of their connectivity to the human system in the context of spiritual evolve. In other words, the works of Veda Vyasa, though God-sent, are silent and do not reveal the functional side of the major elements and their connectivity with faculties inside man for better understanding towards self realization. They are full of missing links not revealed so far to any human in the history of mankind until the arrival of divine revelations to Amarakavi in Brahma Nishta to uplift the humanity as a whole by supplementing with missing links of cosmic truths over the entire spectrum of the gamut of human evolution in the physical over absorbed moments of total subjectivity. Thus, Lord Mula Ganapathy enlightened Amarakavi with revelations in Brahma Nishta presented to the world in the form of his books. No spiritual knowledge will be complete and comprehensive without the digest of Amarakavi’s work full of cosmic truths and spiritual secrets. The torch bearers, Amarakavi says, have a defined and definite role expected by the divine in his mission of universal brotherhood through his writings bearing the seal of God and wearing a touch of divinity over a every diction of his books. The torch bearers are expected to come forward to look into Amarakavi’s works and promote its cause propelled by the divinity that sustains the entire universe as a whole.
Vibhuthi Adigal
Mylapore Chennai 4
08524036344, 9840917127
web: www.mysticglory.com
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