Amarakavi Siddeswara
and the mighty 18 Siddhas
Amarakavi Siddeswara was a born Siddha. His mother conceived in January 1906 at a
small village called Tiruvottiyur at Madras in Tamilnadu state of south
India. It is a very holy place even
today as the place is credited with Jiva Samadhi of the great Tamil Saint
Pattinathu Adigal. On the very day of
conception, Amarakavi’s father had a dharsan of a divine glow from earth to sky
at Tiruvottiyur and cognized that the child in the womb was not a mere mortal
but a divine soul with extreme grace of saint Pattinathar. This fact became true with the life history
of Amarakavi who had met all Siddhas and Maharishis of yore during his penance
and spiritual practice.
Siddhas in reality:
birth is a gift of God. Man alone can
realize God in “nature” and within himself though animals are endowed with special
powers. Here the word “Nature” does not
mean creations like plants, Trees, mountains, rivers, oceans, five elements and
cosmos but the primordial energy that activates and underlies their existence. The same nature is the causal force of our
body motion and other functional sides of human system like faculties and
activities psychological and para-psychological.
Nature stands in the way of God-realization
in terms of his physical and mental configurations leading to sensuous and
mental outward dispositions. The challenge with man in his task here is to tame
his mind and turn it inward of itself. The role of human thought and Breathing
in this negative disposition of nature is astounding and alarming. Thus chief
areas of human faculties trapping the man totally and preventing him from
realizing his own soul or God are 1. Breathing 2. Thought 3.Speech (open and
silent). The task of yoga is to arrest
all these three traps of nature in an integral fashion so that the
self-consummative success in terms of Brahma Nishtai could be achieved. Direct communion with God is possible only in
Brahma Nishtai as with Amarakavi Siddeswara and the mighty 18 Siddhas of yore.
Breathing: Saint Patanjali
brought forth the art of Ashtanga Yoga where the preliminary exercises center
around taming of breathing to the point where one can have control of sensuous
rove to leap into higher dimension of human nature in general. This hata yoga
could not succeed in the matter of God-realization therefore mere Breath
control could result only in bodily strength and could not lead anyone to
Brahma Nishtai.
Thought: Then, the ancient aspirants
engaged in the task of self-realization resorted to ways of silencing thought
to the core. It is unfortunate that this method also led only to Samadhi where
one is marooned in the seize of cosmic bliss waves with no access to listen to
the word of God emanating from within as revelations. Thus they could not touch
Brahma Nishta by arresting thought alone.
Speech: (Open and silent) Speech
is a faculty as well as gift of God exclusive with man in creation. Animals cannot speak but they are compensated
with extra powers and faculties. Therefore
maharishis of yore made a research over ‘sound’ and ‘human speech’. They found that speech, more than breath and
thought, if tamed and silenced can result in communion with the divine. As a result they were guided by the divine
with the knowledge of sound and accordingly mantras and syllables of mantras
were understood by the maharishis. On
this line Sri Adhi Sankara’s Soundarya Lahiri is a treatise on sound and
mantras prescribed for the worship of the Goddess Sakthi, the primordial energy
of cosmos known as Vaalai or Bala in various forms of worship.
Therefore it became clear to the maharishis
that the ultimate aim of any yoga must be communion with God, revelations in
Brahma Nishta and above all success in touching any one of the four popular signpost
of Brahma Nishta called Saalokam, Saameepaam, saarupam, and
Saayujyam etc. this is called
self-consummation with the divine as experienced by Amarakavi Siddeswara on par
with the mighty 18 Siddhas. It is
pleasing to mention here that Amarakavi Siddeswara was guided, tutored and
initiated into the peaks of integral yoga (yoga of a super blend of breathing +
thought + speech) by the saint Agastiya,
the mightiest among the 18 Siddhas of yore.
yoga of Amarakavi
and Breathing
and Thought
and Speech
and Breathing
As per yogic texts,
there are varieties of breathing standard such as 4”, 8”, 12”, 16”, 18”, 20”
MPs according to his mental and physical conditions, such as waking state,
dream state, sleep state and yogic conditions.
Out of many siddhies connected with breathing the maharishis of yore
were credited with super divine breathing standards called double breathing
(Kevala Kumbhakam) erect breathing, stable breathing and virgin breathing. Amarakavi siddeswara was also the recipient
of these coveted gifts of God during his Tapas.
and Thought
Control of thought is a must in yoga to touch
higher dimensions of life. The middle
ages went to the extreme of thought control and got marooned in bliss waves unable
to regain consciousness. Total arrest of
thought leads to a state of human existence medically called ‘Coma’ and this
state is not useful for divine revelations or communication with the
divine. What is required in yoga is not
thoughtless state but ‘thought-free silence’ in terms of Amarakavi Siddeswara’s
self-experience with the divine in Brahma Nishta. In Thought-free silence, thought is there but
in divinized form totally away from sensuous or outward disposition of human
nature. It is a state beyond ‘Thuriya’
(Fourth Dimension of human nature) Even the Trinities (Brahma, Vishnu and
Rudra) are at the end of Thuriya short of the state called Thuriya Atheetham
where man and the God become one in terms of advaitic wrap. Amarakavi is one in Thuriya Atheetham on par
with the Saint Agastiya the chief of Siddha world.
Amarakavi and Speech
Man can never realize
God or communion with Him in Brahma Nishta unless he has successfully tamed his
faculty of speech both open and silent.
More than thought and breathing it is human speech which has to be
tamed, trapped and totally suppressed to the core. Amarakavi’s super theory that ‘Speech is God’ is fully based on this
truth. Maharishis of yore discovered with divine help
many mantras for this purpose, the chief and popular among them being shodasa
maha mantra, with which man can arrest speech and breathing at a single stroke
and succeed in Integral Yoga as with Amarakavi.
Thus Amarakavi arrested speech to the core and touched lofty peaks of
Tapas for direct communion with God under the spell of maha shodasa mantra
siddhi. It is at this stage he was amply
and suitable guided and initiated into super Sri Vidya technics by saint
Agastiya. Thus Amarakavi was very close
to saint Agastiya, the chief of Siddhas and equal to Lord Parameswara in all
Super saints /Siddhas met by Amarakavi in Brahma Nishta
Saivic saints
Tirumoolur : He was one of the
disciples of Nandegeswarar, the right-hand of Lord Parameswara. After completion of his course under the
leadership of sri nandegeswarar he came down to South India to meet and get the
blessings of Saint Agastiya at Pothigai malai in Tirunelveli district. The famous saivic treatise written by
Tirumoolar is Tirumandiram which is exhaustive and illuminating. Tirumandiram is written in the form of poems
of four lines each depicting the entire configuration of human system both
physical and astral and explains the way-out of nature power underlying mental,
physical, psychological and para pshychological activities of human
faculties. It is pleasing to mention
that Amarakavi had the dharsan of Tirumoolar many a time and got his blessings. Tirumoolar had also predicted that Amarakavi
would be graced with divine revelations in Brahma Nishta whereby his divine
titles in prose order to suit the modern scientific world would emerge and
enchant the world at large with divine gospels in Kali yuga. Accordingly amarakavi’s Tapas developed by
leaps and bounds with the result God revealed to him all cosmic secrets
required for human evolution in the physical.
Though Amarakavi’s mother tongue was Telegu, it is a wonder that the
divine revelations of about 20,000 pages came to him one in Tamil at the
beginning stage. He condensed them to a
few books of about 5000 pages containing the rudiments of Indian mysticism
meant for self/ god realization. Then
Amarakavi placed an appeal before Lord Mula Ganapathy for English version of
divine revelations in future.
Immediately Lord Mula Ganapathy was pleased and promised for the same
from the next day itself. Then divine
revelations in Brahma Nishta came in floods for about twenty five years
containing about a lakh of papers which were condensed by Amarakavi and made
out in number of volumes. Out of this
divine treasure he published two English books titled 1. Nija Anana Bhodham 2.
The Secret of Tapas and authorized his two assistants mr. V.R. Vijayakumar
(Vibhuthi Adigal) and mr. M.S.Sukumar (Prabhodaran) to publish any / all his
works after his life time. Accordingly
mr. Sukumar created Hayagreeva Publication wherein Mr. V.R Vijayakumar is
rendering his honorary service as the chief editor with his first-hand
experience and association with Amarakavi for over thirty years right from his
boyhood. m/s Hayagreeva Publication (108
/176 Big Street, Triplicane, Chennai 600 005 India contact No.098409 17127
& 044 28444275) has to its credit ten Tamil titles and nine English titles
published recently with Amarakavi’s material.
2. Saint Agastiya
It is
soul-stirring that Amarakavi has revealed the fact that saint Agastiya, the
leader of Siddhas is equal to Lord Parameshwara by all virtues. It is saint Agastiya who assisted Amarakavi
with extreme grace during his progress towards reaching Thuriya atheetha state
where communion with God and award of divine revelations in Brahma Nishta
fructified. In a word, the status of
Amarakavi’s Tapas can be explained as follows:
the moments of getting divine revelations, Amarakavi found himself in the state of Agastiya and
came down to human level to make a record of it. Thus Amarakavi’s state of tapas and that of
saint Agastiya is one and the same with the only difference that Amarakavi was
momentarily charged with the glory of that spiritual status whereas saint
Agastiya is fully and permanently established there round the clock. Thus Amarakavi used to express his gratitude
and respect to saint Agastiya for all his kindness and care for the former.
Other siddhas in contact with Amarakavi
had dharsan of many siddhas and deities as may be found below:
his life time he mentioned about dharsans and spiritual experiences with many
great saints / souls such as
Siddhas: Agastiyar, Bogar, Tirumoolar, Ettakad
Siddhar, Pambatti Siddhar, Agapayai Siddhar, Konganar, Karuvoorar, Korrakar,
Azugani, Sivavakkiyar, Pathanjli, Dhanvantri, Sattaimuni, Kudambai. Machamuni,
Roma rishi, Pattinathar, Arunagirinathar, Tamil lady saint Oovaiyar, Nakkeerar,
saint vadalur Ramalinga Adigal,
Great souls:
Adhi Sankara, Saint Nammalvar (Sadagopan), Nehrur Sri Sadasiva Brahmam, Sri
Ramana, H.H. Sri Chanderaseakera Bharathi of Sringeri mutt, Saint Aurobindo of
Pondicherry, Saint Ramakrishna Paramahamsar, Saint Ragavendra, Saint
Bhodenthirar, Saint Thiagaiyar,
Male Deities in vision:
Mula Ganapathy, Sri Lord Parameswara, Lord Sriman Narayana (Virat Swaroopa), Lord Narashimam, Lord
Anjeneya, Lord Subramniya Swami, Lord Vishnu (Virat Swaroopa) Lord Brahma - the
creator, Lord Rudra, Garuda, Nandigeswara,
Female deities in vision:
Mahalakshmi, Sri Sarawathi, Sri
Kamakshi, Sri Durga, Sri Saradambal of Sringeri, Sri Meenakshi of Madurai, Sri
Brahgadambal of Pudukottai – (amarakavi’s birth place), sri Varaghee.
Amarakavi and spiritual visions
as a boy of ten Amarakavi experienced Brahma Nishtai. It is a wonder that such a great soul in the
pinnacle of Tapas lived as a simple man and retired as cost accountant from m/s
Burmah shell, Madras in the year 1960 without revealing his spiritual experiences
or attainments to anybody in the office.
used to reveal that he had been practising worship of Mula Ganapathy, Integral
Yoga and meditation for the past seven Janmas.
In fact it is interesting to note that God showed him the places at Banaras
in North India where he lived and practised during his previous birth.
Dreams/Divine Visions
experiences three states of existence – 1. Waking State 2. Dream State 3.Sleep
State. As you all know, in the waking
state man is susceptible to sensuous perception, thought motion/rove, mental
distractions, and above all poor breathing standard underlying emenations and
rove of thought motion. The purpose of
yoga is to arrest the motion of thought, breathing, and speech. Breathing and thought motion in a man is the
product and effect of his past karma.
More over breathing is an act of God according his karmic theory. Therefore we have no right to meddle with it
in yoga. Thought and breathing are the
two wings of the same bird. If one is
arrested, the other will automatically lapse in return. Thus meditation for refining thought in yoga
was prescribed by the maharishis of yore.
Along side speech (open and silent) should also be contained to the core
for self-consummation with the divine.
Amarakavi was well established in self-consummation through Integral
Yoga of breathing, thought, and speech in special blend, a technique known only
of Maharishis of yore in timeless tradition.
Thus Amarakavi attained thuriya state and its beyond on par with saint
Agastiya. The state of Thuriya,
according to yogic texts and in the words of Tamil Lady saint Oovaiyar, is
nothing but the transplant of our physical and mental condition in dream state
into the waking state. Therefore it is
clear that in Thuriya a man finds himself in dream state amidst waking state
itself. It is easier said than
done. If the condition of sleep state is
transplanted into your waking state it means nothing but thuriya aatheetham
where one finds himself always in the presence of God – a super state called

Old 13 New 24 Mathalanarayanan Street
Mylapore, Chennai 600 004
Mobile: 8148350597 Ph: 044 2495 6323
Wonderful account of Amarakavi. Just reading His book of dreams. You have taken so much of efforts to compile such rich content about Him. Blessings of Amarkavi be with you always.
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic God (the Christian God) ... is the only *one* among all the other "gods" ... Who tells the FUTURE.
ReplyDeleteIt is only the Catholic faith ... which is not … a man-made fable.
The Catholic Church has no physical properties or personnel hierarchy in these times …
refer to >
Everything for how to get to Heaven in the single way prescribed by God >
- - - - - The Catholic God telling the future - - - - -
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 30:4 >
"Who hath ascended up into Heaven, and descended? What is the name of His Son, if thou knowest?"
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Sophonius 3:8 >
"Expect Me, saith the Lord, in the day of My resurrection that is to come ... to gather the kingdoms."
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 9:26 >
"Christ shall be slain: and the people that shall deny Him shall not be His." Etc, etc. > More on Section 2.3