Question and Answer - Author V.R.V
This book is a boon to every reader engaged in yoga. meditation and Sri Vidya since the vital areas of human faculties involved in the art of self-realization are well defined in the form of Question and Answer.
Amarakavi Siddeswara, a born siddha says that human speech, when mended, makes wonders in the art of self-realization and its further march towards self-consummation with the divine, for conscious participation with the infinite. in short, Amarakavi\s theorem is Speech is God. He fenced thought and harnessed speech with it. Speech in its two submarine lines is Pingala to count with - the overtones and undertones of life. Their consummation into one is Sushumna or speech in its oracle heard.
This bookis divinded into 8 sections, to suit every common readers. Some of the very interesting topics covered here are:Cosmic Evolution, Major Siddies in Yoga Sadhana, the source and motion of human faculties like Thought, Breathing and Speech, Definition of Ego, Soul, Self. Consciousness etc. Eighth chapter speaks of Amarakavi's way, Salvation, Divinity etc. While layman will find it enormously interesting, those readers already equipped with a knowledge of fundamentals in Yoga, Sri Vidya, Bhagavad Gita and general Indian mysticism will realize the substantive part of the book to be very useful as a spring-board from where to leap into the higher dimensions of yogic practice. The last question (No.786) and Answer follow here:
Whom does God search for?
(i). The Divine seeks the humblest in its personage, not in its apparent sight, but to its real core like Veda Vyasa, Amarakavi (in recent times) and many others like Siddhas, Alwars, Nayanmars.
(ii). The humblest so chosen by God are dearer to Him, without being lost in vanity. The gross is in your care for life and God reserves its astral base.
(iii). The one into the other is yoga - the fuse of the gross and the subtle.
The above answer stands testimony to the high standard of matter presented in this book.