Saturday 19 November 2011

Siddha Yoga

I came in contact with Amarakavi Siddeswara, a Siddha yoga in the year 1982 in my twenty fifth year.   I had good experience with Amarakavi in the task of editing, proof reading and publication works of his divine experiences in the form of his two masterpieces namely The Human Evolution in the Physical and The Secret Doctrine.  Our contact was about 12 years old involving daily discussions on various segments in Indian Mysticism and the essence of Human Evolution in the Physical in the context of cosmic vs. personal.  Presently I am the Publisher of M/s Hayagreeva Publication, Chennai 600005 and authored four books in Tamil and one book The Perfect Sage in English based on Amarakavi’s gospel and guidelines. 

Amarakavi – A Siddha
There are three stages of human evolution basically:
                        a) Animal man, b) Man man,  c) Man divine
            Man losses all his divinity and omniscience wrap the moment he takes his birth and first breath he is taken on earth from ether in compass.  His attempt on its reverse gear to touch the birth point is called yoga or challenge with nature towards god realization.  Any one who succeeds in this battle is a Siddha.  Such a Siddha is not dependent on nature for breathing because he integrates breathing, thought and above all speech, the genesis of human faculties and the functional basis of human system.  He is a Siddha who wins over speech open / hidden in addition to arrest of thought and breathing According to Amarakavi speech is god.  The adopt of this theorem in yoga is Siddha Yoga.

Sri Vidya worship is an ancient method of God realization.  The maharishis of yore were experts in that field.  According to Amarakavi the secrets of Sri Vidya is not known to the aspirants of this age.  Sri Vidya aims at success in communion with God.  Shodasi and Mahashodasi, Mantra Siddhis are the prerequisites therein for divine revelations.  Amarakavi was graced with such Siddhis through the extreme grace of the divine as a result of his penance for the past consecutive six Janmas.  He succeeded in integral yoga known of maharishis of yore and thus touched peaks of penance beyond the region of Samadhi in thought free silence and became the recipient of divine revelations. Saint Agastiya, the mightiest among the renowned 18 Siddhas graced him then and there during this progress.  The integral yoga of Amarakavi involves integration of thought breathing and speech force for entry into omniscience of the eternal.  It is a region beyond Thuriya state (Fourth Dimension) where one misses himself in stout embrace with the divine where the omniscience of the divine enters human system replacing human intellect at standstill.  Veda Vysa stood there for all his recordings.  In the process of integral yoga Sri Vidya ranks first in the task of taming the senses, tuning the inwardness and fusing one’s being and becoming through mantra Siddhis for the inner voice to sprout in vacant look preceded by upward breathing on Ajapa and Vaikari Siddhis.  This was possible only in Siddha cult where man becomes god momentarily to be graced with omniscience intelligence of omnipotent value.  The present day Sri Vidya is not sufficient to contain speech to the core to lead to integral yoga as with Siddhas and Adhi Sankara.

Prabhodaran sukumar

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